
G2a cod4
G2a cod4

The tenfold settlement will be based on the 198 keys found to be sold through G2A, making for a final payment of $39,600 to Wube Software, which the company tells us it has received. understands from Wube that each order was approximately $20, putting the potential chargeback fees for the 321 keys at $6,420 - slightly lower than the $6,600 Wube initially estimated last summer. The 321 keys were sold between March and June 2016. According to the press release, "both parties assumed that the remaining 123 illegitimate keys were sold via other marketplaces or online stores." The two companies have worked together on an internal audit and found that 198 of the 321 codes Wube queried were sold through G2A.

g2a cod4

Wube Software, the Czech-based indie behind management title Factorio, responded to G2A's offer back in July 2019.

g2a cod4

Online games marketplace G2A has reached a settlement with the first - and so far only - developer to take up its offer of paying ten times the chargeback fees for any illegally obtained game keys sold through its site.

G2a cod4